
Chang Sui-feng
8 min readMay 5, 2024


黃脩閔、張穗風 2024.02著


台大客家研究社(英文:NTU Hakka,底下簡稱台大客家社),創立在1991年,解嚴之後个還𠊎母語運動浪潮裡肚。






台大客家研究社(英語:NTU Hakka,以下簡稱台大客家社),創立於1991年,解嚴後的還我母語運動浪潮之中。






“The NTU Hakka Research Club” (usually called “NTU Hakka Club”) was founded in 1991 during the wave of the Mother Tongue Movement that followed the lifting of martial law in Taiwan.

Following the 1988 Mother Tongue Movement, awareness of local languages rose, leading students at National Taiwan University to establish the NTU Taiwanese Language Club. The Hakka Club originally operated under the Taiwanese Language Club. In 1990, discussions began about forming an independent Hakka Research Club. The first preparatory meeting was held on December 27, and the NTU Hakka Club was officially established on March 20, 1991. In its early years, the club primarily offered Hakka language classes and organized Hakka speech competitions. Recently, it has shifted to using various media and activities, such as introducing international Hakka communities, medical Hakka language, and Hakka-themed board games, to attract young people to join the club.

Approximately 20% of Taiwan’s population is Hakka (including those with Hakka ancestry or roots and those who self-identify as Hakka). The Hakka population is mainly distributed in Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli (collectively known as Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli region), Dongshi in Taichung, Lunbei in Yunlin, the Liudui area in Kaohsiung and Pingtung, as well as the East Rift Valley in Hualien and Taitung. The dialects include Sixian, Hailu, Dapu, Raoping, and Zhaoan. With the migration of people from traditional rural settlements to urban areas and the frequent flow of information on the internet, the Hakka language and culture, being non-dominant, have been gradually eroding over time.

In response, the student-initiated NTU Hakka Club provides a platform for students with Hakka identity or interest in Hakka culture to interact with each other. This not only strengthens Hakka identity but also promotes internal exchange among the Hakka community and with other ethnic groups, encouraging members to “doing Hakka” in their daily lives. Additionally, it prompts the public to reflect on the history of trauma and linguistic scars experienced by Hakka as one of the national languages, the crises facing Hakka language and culture in contemporary Taiwanese society, ways to reflect on these issues, and potential solutions.

We also invite everyone to ponder: “When do you use local languages? In what situations? With whom do you communicate? When do you mention your ethnic identity? How does ethnic identity emerge? Why do you feel that Taiwan’s linguistic and cultural heritage is important? What motivates you to engage with it? What are the costs of countering the dominance of Mandarin or Mandarin hegemony in society? What does a multilingual society look like in your imagination? How should it be realized in Taiwan?”




Chang Sui-feng

張穗風,美濃山下客家人,國立清華大學人文社會學學士,主修為社會學。研究興趣為能源與環境,期許能帶著社會學專長,佐以地理學視野投入鄉村研究。目前就讀於國立台灣大學地理環境資源學系碩士班, 學習人文地理學,同時對自然地理學和地理資訊科學保持興趣。